Create Your Own Crypto Currency - kingQueen Digital Currency / Crypto Currency Has Launched


Create Your Own Crypto Currency

Raise Money For Your Own Business or Dream

First to create your own money you will sign up here - Now let's get to it. You have had dreams of not being controlled. You have visions of owning your own business, being a musician or even a music manager. Well this is your time to get the funds to help others as well as yourself. While working on my Trap Tithe 3.25 Album I was reminded my vision of creating my own government that has it's own currency, land that is not controlled where my bloodline can grow organic foods that will give respect to our bodies and mother 

earth. I was introduced to this Coin/Token creation page by a fellow female rapper by the name of Sista Flame.

We were already working on using our precious metals (Silver and Copper) to have our new physical money and negotiable instruments backed by silver but the most high didn't download this to us yet. But once we started researching the blockchain we realized how everything tied together and we now understood how the governments own Rights and Smart Contracts. The blockchain has been around since the 1920's and used under the Social Security Administration then to the Banking System. You ever wondered why the U.S. Dollar has decreased in value over 85%? Well this is why..the creation of digital currencies and the NFT's that use them to purchase the NFT's. The site here - where you sign up at creates a community where you raise funds to start or run your business or new business or any legal thing you need funding for. I do give one on one free sessions about this and you may call to get yourself started. There have many many billionaires made doing this which is like crowdfunding. When Bitcoin started no one ever looked at the fact that it was like stock or a bond put on a market to raise cash but now you know. Why am I telling you of this? Well when it comes to buying music, products or services you can now do that in the private directly from the source eliminating the middleman who takes a chunk of your rights and receivables. I desire to get you my music by accepting your own digital money that will not just sit in a bank or in my pocket not increasing in value but it will increase and it can be held for my future offspring and yours as well. The more your token is used the more value increases on it and it can be converted into my coin or BTC ,ETH or other Crypto Currency. Attached is a copy of my Crypto Token/Coin Much Love To You All king Stevian


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